Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

I come to you today from Windy Wauchula FLA...USA. Tonight I will turn every light in my home ON. I will and have been encouraging everybody I know to turn on their lights on tonight during the so called "Earth Hour"
I believe we are being bamboozeled again with useless information from usless people on their usless campaign for usless causes.
1) Usless information- "educating" people by turning off their light will do 1 thing if it works. raise the cost for a kilowatt. How? If we cut our use by say 10% this will decrease usage sure. But if the power company is forced to make do with 10% less they still have the same cost for producing that power. They will just increase our cost to make it up. The taxes for that 10% decrease will also have to be made up. so we will get less for our already stretched dollar and/or an increase in taxes to make up for the difference.
2) Useless people- The radicle extreamist environmentalist are bent on send us back into the dark ages. While I am from the country. (For those of you who don't understand)...rural America. The TRUE environmentalist. Farmers, Ranchers, people who make a living taking care of and utilizing the land as GOD intended. If not for them (extreamist) we would have many times more nucular plants in operation. They helped the extreme left force so many regulations in the 70's that it became unfeasible to build anymore. Thus causing our dependance on foreign oil to increase. The same with coal. We have enough coal to build enough coal fired plants to make oil fired plants obsolete.
If we the conservative American, be you democrate or republican, would unite in our demand for concise, effective and responsible government, would stand at the doors of congress and demand sastisfaction or we would run them out of politics...forever. Run the extreamist into a room and let them know that we WILL make it a matter of national urgency that saving our country from energy destructuin is treasonist in its concept and that persuing this will result in prosicution for treason.
Then we dril, mine, and split till we are energy independent from any other power in the world and that alone would again make us the preiminanate power in the world.

May you prosper behind the shield and live safely behind the hedge.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Obamas Army?

Just a quick comment today on why does the President want a citizen army.

We already have the most powerful armed force any country has every produced.
If he is going to build another one "as strong and well armed as the armed forces we already have" who is this force to be used against? Being civilian he must intend it for his own personal this country... against you and I?

I know conservatives hope for new leadership in 2010. But, with ACORN taking over the elections run from the White House now, and the treasury wanting to have the power to take over business, and talk of changing term would be mighty nice to have your own personal army to impose marshall law and take over the country "for the good of the country" till we feel everything is better!

I also hear the government wants to tell farmers what to plant and how much.

Did I fall asleep and get bagged and tagged and sent to Russia?

Is this really happening in MY America?

Tell me I am having a nightmare!

Tonight I am hiding behind my shield and covering myself with the hedge for camouflage

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Hear Weird People- I Read Weird Things

Today like any other day of late is becoming filled with rants and raves of those who should be put into a mental institution.

What would you think of a person who says when they die their wish is to be Bar-B-Qued? First I would make sure there are no weapons around this persons home, knives taken from the kitchen, (might be good idea to take forks also) then call the local mental hospital and have the rubber room and a straight jacket on hold for them as soon as they arrive.

Think this is a joke? Lisa Newkirk (founding skidmark of peta) has released her will to the public and she wants to be bbqed!!!!! Really...I can't make something up this good!!

Yahoo and MSN both have come out against meat. I know this kind of rhetoric is becoming more and more visible in the mainstream media (flag wavers of the lunatic fringe causes)but it is still weired people saying weired things. Come to Wauchula FLA...USA. They will see just how weired what they are saying really is. I am sure there are people who would honor her wish. Most of them are members of P.E.T.A, People Eating Tasty Animals! We would all sit around in somebodies pasture grilling a pig or some beef for ourselves while far away we would do a quick flash roast of Ms Newkirk...a little gas...a match...and a pile of wood and let 'r rip! While we enjoy our delicious beef brisket and pork shoulder or ribs with a side of grilled chicken wings Ms Newkirk will begin to get well done. After we're through we clean our implements of torture...I mean clean our plates and knives and forks...and go home to sleep and dream of our next pasture party. Yes I know we forgot about Ms Newkirk. but we meant to take the spit she was roasted on out so the animals would not have to eat around it...sorry 'bout that.

For those of you who will say I am sick...think of this. Ms Newkirk gave me the idea. I would have never thought of something so disgusting IF she had not come up with the idea of being BBQ'ed! Also what did she want to do with the body after it was cooked?

Like I said in the beginning. Weired people saying weired things...I can't make these things up.

I have to put comments from Ms Newkirk along with those from whomever in California test all the chemicals in cans and such. You can't find a can that does not say on the label that in California this chemical is known to cause cancer! I guess if you make rats swim in it and drink it and make it a part of their diet anything would cause cancer. Californians! I got a secret for you...If it causes cancer in California move to Washington state. The cans say it doesn't cause cancer there!!! or Nevada. Stay away from Florida as we have a gaggle of "Bluehair Syndrome" here and we do not need to have to learn to care for another group of people that cannot take care of themselves! (I truly love our bluehairs)

I close with this nugget. As long as we the majority of this country who are good sensible and fear God and keep our eyes on Him We can still take back our country. Back from the small minority and the media that waves their banner. We just need to focus on the object that needs the bad elements pruned and stop feeding it.Sooner than later if we stop feeding it the plant itself will shed the dead wood and another sprout can grow in its place. We are the gardener and we the majority control what should grow on the plants we have grown for all these years known as the media. We have just gotten lazy in our yard work. It is spring and time for spring cleaning.

May you live,love and prosper behind the Shield and be protected by an impenetrable Hedge

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What This World Is Comming To

Good Afternoon
I sit here and read things on various sites about the Humane Society and their agenda for destroying any thing to do with eating meat or using lab rats for finding cures for AIDS, Parkinson's and many others. PETA's founder is spewing terrorist demands of its membership to commit violent acts. and others to do what is reprehensible and immoral in the name of getting their agenda across. Then to make it seem o.k. the mainstream media is spinning these acts to make it acceptable.

I for one am tired of having the fringe of our country shove their agendas down my throat and insist I swallow it.

The liberals screamed during the elections that there has to be room for debate on the issues. Then after their candidate is elected they scream we all must do as the president says for the good of the country and not debate the stimulus package. The founding fathers are spinning in their graves at the way our political system has been so perverted by those who would use it for their personal piggy banks and welfare stores for their selves and the districts they come from. It is not what they dreamed of when they wrote the constitution.

The founding fathers knew that to have a constitution without moral direction is a plan for failure. This world is given to mankind to work, feed, build, based on the laws God gave Moses thousands of years ago. There have been many attempts to govern by rule of a king, dictator or other head of state that has total control and power. None have survived for long. Our founding fathers did something never before tried in the way we did it. Government by the people for the people. Look what it built. A nation built with guidance from a Supreme Being. God. Not buddah, not mother earth, not allah, nor any other deity a person worships. However, they did give the various religions the freedom to worship as they see fit. In two hundred and thirty plus years we have built the greatest nation ever. No country has ever been as rich, compassionate, or strong as America. As long as we kept our eyes on God he blessed this country in ways we could have never dreamed of had we tried. In 1930 did more than a few dreamers really think we would really put a man on the moon?

Now that our country conquered the greatest trials we ever faced in WWII we started to look at our own greatness and stopped thinking how great God is for delivering us from the devastation of WWII. Slowly but surely we allowed the fringe to creep into our society by saying we had to be tolerant of perverted views. We should have squashed them and sent them back into the darkness they were spawned from and let them stay there and exist there because our constitution gave them the right to. But make them an example of what abhorrent behavior is and what you become by subscribing to their way of life. And continue to fight till the death for their right to be perverted. But, by taking our eyes off of the God of our fathers, we have opened the door to allow these perverts to come into main stream society. We allowed them to get into our schools and indoctrinate our children and raise generations of citizens who think it is o.k. to love money. It is fine to think animals should have the same rights as humans. It is good to destroy a person in the name of saving a rat. It is o.k. to base justice on your ability to hire enough lawyers to make a lie into the truth. We the heart of this great country have nobody but ourselves to blame for our failure to keep our eyes on God and faith that He and He alone controls the people that run this country. It is up to us to turn our heads and put them back on God and have faith the He will again bless this country.

Now I prepare for the liberals and other people who will say MY view is the perverted and narrow view. Thank you in advance for helping me keep my eye on the prize. I am running a marathon and not a hundred yard dash. I pray each person who reads this will be touched by the Lord to see the truth and not the truth you are taught by the powers of this world.

May you live behind the Shield and be protected by an impenatrible Hedge

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Can't See the Forest for the Trees

I heard a youtuber rant today against Rush Limbaugh. It was really sad that a person who looked and sounded intelligent could be so poorly informed and have so much anger for really no reason other than he has been so brainwashed by the mainstream media. He ranted about how many hated Rush for attacking the president and wishing him to fail. He failed to clarify Rush wants the POLICIES of the president to fail because they are not what America was founded for. It is not the governments duty to see that everybody buys a house. Yet the president is bent on propping up Fredi and Fannie to continue loaning money in manners that will fail... You cannot buy a 500k home on a 75k income. No responsible bank would loan on that scenario. Thank Jimmy Carter for starting this nightmare. Thank the Bush's for failing to reel the madness in during his watch. The conservatives failed to stand up for their principals and allowed the liberals to bury the issue. While this youtuber railed about the conservative fox news he failed to mention the biased liberal opinioned mainstream media. THIS is where he gets all of his "accurate" information. As if it was Gospel. He mentioned the masses that "worship" Rush. I listen to Rush. I know of many others who also listen and they know many, many more. I know of no one who "worships" Rush. However, I have seen with my own eyes masses of people verbally scream for the president that "Oh Obama! we love you" This was played over and over on the liberal media outlets. THAT is worshiping a person. In closing young man get a grip on reality. The presidents policy of spend till the money presses force massive inflation and then turn whats left into a socialist country is wrong. You can rant and rail all you want on your video that the president is doing good. The country is starting to swirl around the crapper. His stimulus has no more stimulated this economy than I have stopped any liberals from making a jerk of themselves by showing them pictures of teddy bears. It makes no sense to me how intelligent people cannot see the destruction of our country and economy as well as our society for looking down the barrel of the gun that is doing the damage while it is firing shot after shot aimed for his very head.
May you live behind the Shield and be protected by an impenetrable Hedge

Monday, March 16, 2009

Its a new day and a new life if we will only allow God to take control of our daily lives and routine. Give Him the reins...He is my Pilot not my co-pilot as the old bumper sticker says...
Give Him your troubles and worries. His yoke is light. Let Him carry your troubles. Have faith

Hello from behind the Shield surrounded by the Hedge

This is my first post on the first blog I have ever attempted...I am not sure how this will go but here it goes...
1- I am a Bible believing conservative.
2- I am a Christian.
3- I am the biggest sinner you will ever meet.
4- I am happy because I am forgiven.
5- My God is greater than all of my problems.
6- I will tell you about Christ for the asking.
7- Jesus is the only way to Salvation which is the ONLY way to Heaven.