Good evening,
I found this on the Political Coffee House and read a commentary by Maryann Scarangello. I tried for a few moments to run down a website, blog or whatever but did not find it quickly so with all the props I can muster up...
MARYANN...this is great!!! Now if we could onlg get "great leader" to read and then comprehend and act responsibly and rationally...something he can neither understand or accept.
eatAlright – who just fell off their chair?
Before I get going on my agreement with our grand leader -- President Obama, I want to first state that unless the Democrats will acknowledge ACORN and the fraudulent applications and votes that went to President Obama – SHUT UP about the 2000 election.
Phew, that’s off my back –
Now – I agree with Our Leader Obama…on the need for alternative energy. I own a contracting business and we install solar systems in residential homes and our installations (including the one in my own home) take the cost of heating our hot water down as low as possible in the Northeast. Even in the winter, the sun heats my hot water to 140 degrees – but because we have days without sunlight – we still has a natural gas backup. If it’s just a day – it won’t kick in because the solar hot water heaters of today are SO insulated – they lose VERY little of the temperature over 24-48 hour time period. Alternative Energy Rocks!
However, correct me if I’m wrong Mr. “We Need Alternative Energy” Obama, but I looked real close at photos of the White House lawn recently – and I know photos don’t show everything… but, I didn’t see any new solar panels out on the vast yard….or on the roof either –at least ones put there by you. I read that George W. Bush had three solar panels installed to feed electricity to the cabana, for landscaping use and for the Whitehouse grid – but come – on… you can do SO much more! After all, wasn’t he an OIL man???
Mr. Obama – I’m free this week if you’d like to have me come down to DC and look over your property, tally your hot water needs, including those for out an of town guest or EVEN "Moderate Taliban officials" or Iranian (what do you call them) "friends", "Mr. Wright", all of "ACORN" – you know – COMPANY and I will give you a price to install a State of the ART Solar (aka ALTERNATIVE ENERGY) system! How does that sound?
You see, I have a LOT of free time lately for several reasons. First, ALMOST no one is making major improvements to their home. They are stuffing money in their mattresses because they are afraid of YOU and YOUR Administration. Those that are making improvements, usually because they have no choice…something broke, won’t turn on etc. … are getting such an incredible price too! It would have been triple three years ago – but with 20 small businesses bidding the same job and so many people out of work – the pricing of jobs does little more for a small business than to keep them afloat –profit – please. Obviously, you’re not paying the Worker’s Comp bill for the secret service now are you?
Even though you’ve given people a TAX credit – it isn’t enough. People are afraid to spend money and you’re offering a CREDIT on taxes they may not even be able to afford to pay in a year. This is not the “alternative energy” bailout the taxpayers need. How about taking a few of those newly printed bills and sending every American a few thousand bucks if they will install a solar, pv or wind system (you know A REBATE) and stimulate our NEED to get off oil??? That would REALLY help. In addition, you might have some happy people come next winter when you smack 'em HARD with taxes on fossil fuels (aka… the stuff they are using to make the systems in their home run NOW.) Including electricity! Now that is a good idea… Will you hire me? Like I said I have a lot of free time… I could be a part time advisor!
Mr. Obama - you stand in front of crowds of people and preach how we need to get over our dependence on oil – but you have – once again – NO GOOD PLAN. Your plan is to push everyone in small business out of jobs – you will NOT create any new private sector SMALL business jobs with your Alternative Energy Program. You’ll force good companies to pay TOO much for entry level workers and you’ll force them to use the government as a crutch and additionally, you’re going to bankrupt the coal industry and probably take a few others down with it. YOUR PLAN is to crash the American dollar down to a Quarter and maybe even a dime. Your PLAN is NOT an American plan.
I have to say – love that toxic asset plan! Where do I put my home on that list? I’ll put 7% down and you can loan me 93% of the home value and if I make money – somewhere down the road GREAT. I won’t pay you back, and you won’t care! We all win!! Send me the form… my house value has plummeted, my business has plummeted… this home surely qualifies as toxic – doesn’t it? No – I pay my mortgage every month – I qualify for squat.
You’ve got quit a racket going there with that toxic asset plan. Too bad it once again, doesn’t help the HONEST people of America!
Now - Employee Free Choice Act – You sure are pushing that one along with your left wing buddies. Just like alternative energy – IT SOUNDS great – but it, like everything else, is a farce. You’re taking away MORE rights of the American workers, and handing the Unions the entire American workforce. How mighty POWERFUL of you Mr. Leader.
Every trade organization in the Country is petitioning you and Congress right now AGAINST the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) and you’re still plugging away – stating it’s great and all those millions of buck-a-roos the Unions are paying to plaster the farce as a GOOD thing … well, let’s just say… you’re really sticking to that road to Socialism now aren’t you?
I agree we need to get off foreign oil. But you, you don’t really care. There is NO way you do. If you did, you would never do what you are doing right now.
So, I was wrong, I guess we don’t agree after all.
By the way, Mr. Leader, if I sound at all sarcastic – I am actually trying to be… I just finished watching you dodge questions AGAIN at tonight’s news conference.
Maryann Scarangello is a contributing writer to The Political Coffeehouse and did NOT vote for Barack Obama.
If only "great leader" would live under the shield and allow protection of the hedge, he might become a truly great leader. As long as he goes the way he goes he will be remembered forever as the man who destroyed the greatest country ever. I truly pray for him to have his eyes and heart opened to the wrong he is perpetuating on "we the people".
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