Thursday, September 10, 2009

Acorn comes to the Rescue

Hello Everybody
Sorry that I have been away but life required my attention for a bit...

I am stopping for a moment to say a prayer before I start this entry...Amen...

I heard today on one of the local talk stations a topic that made me sit still and just stare dumbfounded out into space...I still thought it was a joke until I read the transcript...I am near throwing up in disgust at what I heard and read...just remember this. This is our nations leader's favorite organization. ACORN. I knew there was something up when I heard that ACORN had exposed some of their employees for voter registration fraud. I call the process the Wizard of OZ skit... "Lookie here" while something else of a devious nature goes on somewhere else"

A independent filmmaker James O'Keefe has made this investigation. I cannot make up something like this. I can't wait to see how the State Run Media (SRM) handles this.

The SRM is and has been screaming for sometime about the web based media using their news and reports with out the cost of these large media corporations. They have to have huge amounts of money to "report the news" yet here is a independent with virtually no budget and he does what no other SRM is willing to ACORN for what they truly organization, THAT IS POISED TO TAKE OVER THE CENSUS, VOTER REGISTRATION AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE....,that is actually a front for performing illegal actions that would land you or I in jail for many years.

What do you think would happen to you or I if we showed an admitted prostitute who has intentions of bringing illegal, underage girls into this country and keeping them off of any reportable statistic sheet, resident role, legal alien list, ANYTHING that would prove their existence and then use them for prostitution. All of this while being shown by the ACORN personnel how to cheat on your taxes and claim the prostitution as a legitimate business!!!!!

If I were to try a scam like this the Feds would swoop down on me and throw me under the hoosegow and throw the key into a bucket of cement and send the bucket to the bottom of the sea...

Now before any of you...liberal or conservative try to distort any of this go to it is all, video, and written transcript.

Now for the hard part...I am a Christian who has been probably more anti-oboma vocal than I should in public. He IS our leader...He IS the leader of the free world...He is to be supported and up lifted by me and all Christians...This is Biblical...It does however say that when he goes against the teaching of the Bible that I then must go with what I know to be what is true and faithful to my beliefs...I know that this sound liberals. I am human...and a conservative. Faults and all I am an AMERICAN! I am standing here watching MY president destroy my way of life. I am watching MY president destroy my children's chance of their future being better than mine. I am watching MY president (who has endorsed ACORN as long as he has been in politics) back and promote the organization that has been doing this for as long as they have been in existence. I am watching the political machine that is Washington stand by and help him destroy my America.

I am calling for all Americans to call for the immediate dismantling of ACORN. The investigation of their files and prosecution of the people who were caught in this investigation. Also for our Leader to do the right thing for once and leave office. or be impeached.

If this had been some conservative leader the uproar of the SRM and the liberal left would be deafening. It would be the lead story till they got their blood. As it is you had to get this from a small unheard of web based media organization. They did what the SRM refused to do...tell the truth.

I call on America to refuse to look at or support the SRM of any kind. I know we will continue to watch TV. We are addicted to it. We are all blinded to some degree to the truth because we have been spoon fed what the SRM wants you to hear since the days of "Uncle Walter" myself included. I know there can be a method that can be used to force the SRM to stop being a pawn of the left and either go back to what they were intended to be...unbiased reporting...NOT mind controlling liberal gophers Doing the bidding of their power hungry demonic leadership. Be they the owners of the SRM's or the political leadership that exerts the pressure to report as they instruct. We are still a capitalist country and economy. If we hit the liberals in their weak spot...THEIR wallets... we could stop this madness in its tracks. Then we can stop them from continuing their favorite pastime...raiding OUR wallets. That would force them out of business or put unbiased reporting back where it front of the American people so we can hear the truth and act accordingly.

I also encourage each of us to look carefully at the elections and find someone...preferably a non politician to fill each spot in congress. I would vote all of them out with few exceptions. None of the politicians in Washington are there for you and I. They are there for their own enrichment and power trips. If we vote out the establishment that is there...especially the liberals and RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) we can halt obomas run to a socialized country.

Remember this as I close. EVERY single person in Washington works for you and I. NOT the other way around.

I pray that OUR leader sees the error of his ways and turns his heart back to the one and true God. Accepts Jesus Christ as his Savior and repents for leading OUR country down the path to certain destruction. I pray the Lord places a Hedge around him and uses it to protect him from Satan's influence. I pray the Shield of our prayers from all Christians protect him for as long as it takes to start the return of America to our rightful place as the greatest nation in the world.

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