Good Day America...Thank You Bill Nye?
I am leaving my rehashing of old post to take on a new "project". Bill Nye whom God knew before he was born. Another example of why the conservatives in America are guilty of standing by and allowing repugnant ideas to be taught as truth. And as a result Mr Nye now believes in his belief of evolution. OUR FAULT!!!
Now before anyone gets all excited, I believe in evolution in a small way. I believe man has evolved in their understanding of the world we live in. I am certian I am smarter, stronger, bigger, (not comments from the peanut gallery!)faster than my ancestors. By ancestors I mean the Lackeys, or the Glovers, or any of the families I was born of. I DID NOT COME FROM AN APE. You can show me your "evidence" I will show you where you are wrong. Now weather or not you will admit I am right and you are wrong is another story. I can show you where you will not admit to "problems" in the "theory" and how you choose to work around it.
Now Bill, I will never look at you as the science guy again. I was taught by Mrs Katherine Dodrill, my 7th and 8th grade science teacher that there were few absolutes in science, and for you to say that evolution is not theory is unscientific. And that IS a fact. It is easily proved that there are so many holes in the THEORY of evolution.
Even more distrubing about your rant against creation is having the gall to say I do not have any right to teach my children as I wish. I am so tired of people like you who want what you want at others expense. It is ok for you to hate what I think, but I am not to be allowed to think and do for myself? And you think this is ok? Go to Russia or Egypt or Iran. Do not forget to take your wife and children. This is still America. When it becomes amerika and I am dead because the thought police and the powers of this world have done away with me (and my family) or SURPRISE!!! we just poof and dissapear...and it is coming. (Part of the creation and end of the world the Bible speaks of) Then you and the powers of this world can have at it!! You obviously have no idea who you are dealing with do you? The greatest trick that Satan pulled on man was getting people like you to believe he does not exist! (Thanks for the lifting of sorts from "The Usual Suspects") This will be the only angry part of this expose. if you want my children... come get them... I dare you! You want to open a big 'ol can of southern butt whipping? You mess with my gene pool!
I am going to quote a prophetic statement from Isaiah of the Bible
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness... Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!
This alludes to man denying the wisdom contained in the Bible. 100 years ago America said that it was wrong for man to marry another man. It is Biblical. It has been wrong for thousands of years. Today we see America moving to allow just that. Wrong is considered right. Is this the evolution you see? We are quickly becoming a communist socialist country. No matter what the people who are pushing us to become, it is not what we are. nor when it happens will we become socialist/communist till all of us who see right is right and wrong is wrong are gone.
This was spoken and recorded thousands of years ago...right is wrong and wrong is right... proof of this prophetic statement. Twist it all you want. Scream that it is old school thought. Call it ancient thinking. Give it any name you want. You cannot change it from being wrong to being right by screaming at the top of you lungs that it is right. It still will say right is wrong and wrong is right
Further more...
2000 years ago Paul says: "Claiming to be wise, they became fools... they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creation rather than the Creator ... their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men...
And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them."
For those who do not believe the Bible is prophetic please explain to me how something written thousands of years ago that clearly says this will happen and now that it is happening how is that NOT prophetic...can't wait to see how this will be twisted...
This is America to a tee today. Now I will make a statement that will bother some conservatives... I will fight to the death to allow those who practice their perversions continue. I do not like it. I will not condone it. I will speak against it. BUT- I live in a country that says you can be free to do as you choose. I will not be quite about it being done in public. IF you want to do these abominable things I would perfer it to be done in a dark room away from decent people... Now before you say I am condeming and I am not. It is what it is. I am guilty of many things that are / were wrong. I never lusted for another man. I have not one stone I can throw at anybody. I am not shoving my agenda or beliefs on any one person or groups of people. I will share what I discern from studying the Word. I will listen to other opinions. But the final judgment WILL come from the prophetic word of the Bible. Only when it comes to pass will some see the light...too late but all will see the truth one day.
Standing firmly behind the Sheild of the Word and behind a Hedge for all supported by the army of Angels, I bid you good day!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Another Old Rant Revisited and Rehashed
Good afternoon America!!!!
I am revisiting another past rant...
I am a proud member in good standing of P.E.T.A. People Eating Tasty Animals.
I have been watching for new information on the founder of the competing for my acronym organization- peta... they claim to be interested in animal protection. Their facility in Virginia was sued and forced to be called an euthanasia center and not a animal shelter...enough said about these people.
I now add to this eclectic little group ACORN... Obomas vote stealing organization and the "new" black panthers...
Acorn, the organization who showed prostitutes how to do their taxes as if the business was legitamate. Their identity while a little fuzzy still seems to be around collecting illegal voter information...still. They have also had fingers pointed at them concerning the lending fiasco that has led to a number of bank failures.
The black panthers who have had the protection of the Oboma administration was not prosecuted for the members standing at voting precients...armed and threatening voters with violence if they tried to vote.
These are just a few of the things I need to report as a total failure of the conservatives to stop. I include myself as a guilty party to these failures. They, all of the above mentioned, are very serious threats to our freedoms. Free to vote without fear of violence. Free from the threat of canidates stealing elections. As for peta...I fear if they continue their quest I will be branded a criminal for eating a steak... IF I could afford one as their true agenda is to ban everyone from being able to eat about the lunitic fringe haveing a voice.
America, or whats left of it, you-"We The People" had better come to our senses... fast. I am not sure if we can reverse the damage. We have sat by and allowed the forces inside the beltway to perpetuate these and other irresponsible laws passed on all of us. I blame the conservatives because we should be the moral compass of this country... for the most part. Our founding fathers warned against allowing non Christians into politics. Being the tolerant compasionate people we are we sat by and have allowed those who do not have Americas best interest at heart to gain control of this country. "We The People" have sat by and done nuthin!! nada! zilch! We have allowed a vocal minority to divide conservatives with all sorts of scams.
In my view welfare is the most devisive of all. The very entitlement that props up the liberal left is destroying the ones it perports to protect. Welfare was devised to assist Joe Citizen in times of need...TEMPORARLY, but the politicians have used it to create a nightmare web of never ending payments. It has become a dead end deal of money for people with no intent of ever getting free of it, nor do many want to free themselves of it. Now we have people who are having babies to increase their monthly check... MY money. They are allowed to buy all sorts of things... I do not pretend to know how they purchase them but I see them with expensive manicures... expensive hair extensions... new tattoos... none of which I object to other than not with my money. I cannot buy my wife or daughter any of these so why should I buy these for welfare recipients? Now in Florida we cannot even drug test them and must repay the months of those who failed the drug test...and allow them to keep recieving MY money. I guess now I will not have to take random test for my job... hope everybody will feel safe on the roads with drugged up truck drivers that will not have to take drug test... just one example...police? surgeons?
"We The People" have allowed it to become this quagmire. We did nothing as these temporary payments were extended and soon became permanate. "We The People" did nothing as the elected members figured out a way to get a never ending stream of money to their states for the maintenance of the people that recieve welfare on a ongoing basis. By our allowing this to happen "We The People" have made the bed we have to sleep in. I do not remember it personally... I do remember my father complaining about it all my life. "Put them to work!" he would say... "I dont care if it is picking up trash on the side of the road". I was 40 before I really understood what he meant.
Now we have people who have babies for a job. The more they have, the more of MY money they recieve. I see those spend it like it was theirs with no strings attached. They do not even have to train for a job anymore. MY money will be spent into perpetituity on things I cannot buy for my family. They get free housing (reduced rent), free money, free healthcare, free, (reduced utilities). And who knows what else they are getting. I do know "We The People" should have demanded accountability for these monies. If you get onto welfare you should be required to use birth baby and your out...period. One drug test failure your out...period. Get caught doing anything outside of what is necessary for surviving your out. extensions... anything not needed for survival...your out...period. I also believe you should work for it. I do not care if it is picking up trash or cutting grass on the side of roads or stacking books in a library or painting school buildings... anything to earn MY money. I had to work for it-you do not get it for free. Your "home" will be bare necessaties. No dishwashers, No A/C, No Cable TV, My Dad did not have Air Conditioning till I was 14 years old. That is a luxury. They are on MY dime. Handicap, infirm, aged and other ailments that cannot be "fixed" should be given whatever it takes to be comfortable. Life is tough. NOBODY should get a free ride that can work. No matter how menial the job. You will find a job, or you will work on/in a job program. You will keep the job. You lose it from being lazy... done...period.
I close with this... "We The People" not wanting to rock the boat, trying to help those who can't help themselves, no matter the reason have been duped into this by politicians. The money save by stopping this nightmare would pay for so much we could reduce taxes provide more services and enable millions to look at themselves in the mornings and like what they see!
I stand behind the Shield of truth and pray for a Hedge of protection around our once great nation and those who would destroy it... I fear for the day of reckoning they all must face.
I am revisiting another past rant...
I am a proud member in good standing of P.E.T.A. People Eating Tasty Animals.
I have been watching for new information on the founder of the competing for my acronym organization- peta... they claim to be interested in animal protection. Their facility in Virginia was sued and forced to be called an euthanasia center and not a animal shelter...enough said about these people.
I now add to this eclectic little group ACORN... Obomas vote stealing organization and the "new" black panthers...
Acorn, the organization who showed prostitutes how to do their taxes as if the business was legitamate. Their identity while a little fuzzy still seems to be around collecting illegal voter information...still. They have also had fingers pointed at them concerning the lending fiasco that has led to a number of bank failures.
The black panthers who have had the protection of the Oboma administration was not prosecuted for the members standing at voting precients...armed and threatening voters with violence if they tried to vote.
These are just a few of the things I need to report as a total failure of the conservatives to stop. I include myself as a guilty party to these failures. They, all of the above mentioned, are very serious threats to our freedoms. Free to vote without fear of violence. Free from the threat of canidates stealing elections. As for peta...I fear if they continue their quest I will be branded a criminal for eating a steak... IF I could afford one as their true agenda is to ban everyone from being able to eat about the lunitic fringe haveing a voice.
America, or whats left of it, you-"We The People" had better come to our senses... fast. I am not sure if we can reverse the damage. We have sat by and allowed the forces inside the beltway to perpetuate these and other irresponsible laws passed on all of us. I blame the conservatives because we should be the moral compass of this country... for the most part. Our founding fathers warned against allowing non Christians into politics. Being the tolerant compasionate people we are we sat by and have allowed those who do not have Americas best interest at heart to gain control of this country. "We The People" have sat by and done nuthin!! nada! zilch! We have allowed a vocal minority to divide conservatives with all sorts of scams.
In my view welfare is the most devisive of all. The very entitlement that props up the liberal left is destroying the ones it perports to protect. Welfare was devised to assist Joe Citizen in times of need...TEMPORARLY, but the politicians have used it to create a nightmare web of never ending payments. It has become a dead end deal of money for people with no intent of ever getting free of it, nor do many want to free themselves of it. Now we have people who are having babies to increase their monthly check... MY money. They are allowed to buy all sorts of things... I do not pretend to know how they purchase them but I see them with expensive manicures... expensive hair extensions... new tattoos... none of which I object to other than not with my money. I cannot buy my wife or daughter any of these so why should I buy these for welfare recipients? Now in Florida we cannot even drug test them and must repay the months of those who failed the drug test...and allow them to keep recieving MY money. I guess now I will not have to take random test for my job... hope everybody will feel safe on the roads with drugged up truck drivers that will not have to take drug test... just one example...police? surgeons?
"We The People" have allowed it to become this quagmire. We did nothing as these temporary payments were extended and soon became permanate. "We The People" did nothing as the elected members figured out a way to get a never ending stream of money to their states for the maintenance of the people that recieve welfare on a ongoing basis. By our allowing this to happen "We The People" have made the bed we have to sleep in. I do not remember it personally... I do remember my father complaining about it all my life. "Put them to work!" he would say... "I dont care if it is picking up trash on the side of the road". I was 40 before I really understood what he meant.
Now we have people who have babies for a job. The more they have, the more of MY money they recieve. I see those spend it like it was theirs with no strings attached. They do not even have to train for a job anymore. MY money will be spent into perpetituity on things I cannot buy for my family. They get free housing (reduced rent), free money, free healthcare, free, (reduced utilities). And who knows what else they are getting. I do know "We The People" should have demanded accountability for these monies. If you get onto welfare you should be required to use birth baby and your out...period. One drug test failure your out...period. Get caught doing anything outside of what is necessary for surviving your out. extensions... anything not needed for survival...your out...period. I also believe you should work for it. I do not care if it is picking up trash or cutting grass on the side of roads or stacking books in a library or painting school buildings... anything to earn MY money. I had to work for it-you do not get it for free. Your "home" will be bare necessaties. No dishwashers, No A/C, No Cable TV, My Dad did not have Air Conditioning till I was 14 years old. That is a luxury. They are on MY dime. Handicap, infirm, aged and other ailments that cannot be "fixed" should be given whatever it takes to be comfortable. Life is tough. NOBODY should get a free ride that can work. No matter how menial the job. You will find a job, or you will work on/in a job program. You will keep the job. You lose it from being lazy... done...period.
I close with this... "We The People" not wanting to rock the boat, trying to help those who can't help themselves, no matter the reason have been duped into this by politicians. The money save by stopping this nightmare would pay for so much we could reduce taxes provide more services and enable millions to look at themselves in the mornings and like what they see!
I stand behind the Shield of truth and pray for a Hedge of protection around our once great nation and those who would destroy it... I fear for the day of reckoning they all must face.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
I Am Back...
I'm baack...
Over a year and a half have gone by since my last post. I have been busy...sorry but life comes before kicks and giggles.
I am going to look back at a few post I have made in the past and update the post...
First. from 1-20-2010... Did We Fall Off The Couch?
I can only say one thing...OUCH!!! I am saying yes we have fallen off the couch. How well we have hit the floor running is another thing...Running? Yes!!! right into the doorjamb! As conservatives we are so divided on everything... so much so the people on one side of the political spectrum who are being destroyed by the very party they support... to the point their very identity is in danger of disappearing completly. The Left? The Right? You can guess, but are they who I am speaking of? Conservatives will never have the urgent need to act on what the Liberals are doing to this country as long as "We the People" sit on our duffs and allow the left to continue unabated with their agenda.
The Conservatives have watched as America grew from a small group of European rejects who came here to worship without condemnation for the manor of their worship. They came here for the new world. They came here to escape debt. To get out of jail. Any number of reasons. But they came to start a new life. In time to start a new country. A free country. One not ruled by an oppressive government, but helped by it. Government was to be for "We The People" BY "We the People" The state was supreme. The federal government was to assist in smooth opperation. Not to limit our freedoms.
Somwhere "We The People" grew complacent. Others saw an opportunity to grab power and make rules determining our limits and freedoms. "We The People" just worked, married, raised families, grew old and died. Once in a while they would mutter and grumble about some law or a new tax. But that was all "We The People" did... No actions.
The Industrial Revolution brought wholesale changes. Suddenly it was possible to move across the country. Now "We The People" scattered, they had no accountability to parents, communities, Churches. The world was now at the fingertips of "We The People" and subversive ideas, arrogant attitudes, unconventional concepts where suddenly looked at as being acceptable by ever so few. They fought and sacrificed themselves for the good of their cause... no matter how degrading, wrong or destructive. "We The People" saw them for what they were. Misguided nonconformist with no moral compass and looked down on them for their ideals and kicked them back into the dark shadows and back alleys where that kind of "stuff" belonged, not in polite society. "We The People" did nothing to correct this...Ignorance can be educated but stupidity will keep growing and gathering fans. We have done nothing toward education and fed the ignorance with our children and our childrens children.
As time went by the ideals began to infiltrate our higher schools of learning. Now the intellectual elite began to expound on ideas that were diametrically opposed to laws of God. "We The Peolpe" stood stone cold still as our institutions of higher learning...almost all founded on Christian principles by Churches ditched their very foundations which were built on the solid rock of Christian principles for very debatable and easily defeatable ideals. Ideals that would go on to become non-debatable issues that are so abborant to most of "We The People". The Left has chipped away at so much of our constitution, rights and freedoms. "We The People" no matter that we are the majority... a vast majority that are so divided on so many things we cannot see the darkness coming for the applause we are giving the leaders who are holding the corners of this darkness up for our approval. "We The People" are so jaded and hypocritical- we scream against pornography yet we allow it into our homes on our T.V. set and call it freedom of expression... We stomp our feet and claim we want justice...while allowing one minority group to force their views down our throats while others can be arrested for speaking out for what "We The People" have been taught is right for 2,000 years as subversive and hateful. All the while standing by and allow unprovable evolution to be taught as fact. We say we want religious freedom while allowing "religions" that teach children to hate all others different from themselves and kill anyone who thinks different from themselves. We wrote a constitution that say EVERYBODY has the right to worship freely... Yet "We The People" condem and persecutes the very foundational basis for this country... God and Christians, that which we are!!!. And "We The People" have sat by and done nothing, unless we send up the cry to keep church and state seperate!!! Someone show me where it says that...PLEASE!!! MY constitution say GOVERNMENT SHALL MAKE NO LAW ...nothing about it is against the law to fly MY flag!
Yes we have awaken America, awaken to the fact that America is on the verge of total colapse. I am not sure that we can be saved. I know the Bible predicts the end will come in the blink of an eye. I see the leaders of this once great country, both left and right pushing us down the road to destruction. "We The People" have done everything in our power to assist them. We have never done one thing to stop it...yes we did stop Hitler and numerous other despots from taking over the world, while building the greatest country in history. Now we have destroyed it with out anyone ever firing a shot... and "We The People" have not lifted a finger to stop it.
As I sit behind my Shield I pray we still have some sort of Hedge to continue to protect us till the trumpets blow!!!
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