Good afternoon America!!!!
I am revisiting another past rant...
I am a proud member in good standing of P.E.T.A. People Eating Tasty Animals.
I have been watching for new information on the founder of the competing for my acronym organization- peta... they claim to be interested in animal protection. Their facility in Virginia was sued and forced to be called an euthanasia center and not a animal shelter...enough said about these people.
I now add to this eclectic little group ACORN... Obomas vote stealing organization and the "new" black panthers...
Acorn, the organization who showed prostitutes how to do their taxes as if the business was legitamate. Their identity while a little fuzzy still seems to be around collecting illegal voter information...still. They have also had fingers pointed at them concerning the lending fiasco that has led to a number of bank failures.
The black panthers who have had the protection of the Oboma administration was not prosecuted for the members standing at voting precients...armed and threatening voters with violence if they tried to vote.
These are just a few of the things I need to report as a total failure of the conservatives to stop. I include myself as a guilty party to these failures. They, all of the above mentioned, are very serious threats to our freedoms. Free to vote without fear of violence. Free from the threat of canidates stealing elections. As for peta...I fear if they continue their quest I will be branded a criminal for eating a steak... IF I could afford one as their true agenda is to ban everyone from being able to eat about the lunitic fringe haveing a voice.
America, or whats left of it, you-"We The People" had better come to our senses... fast. I am not sure if we can reverse the damage. We have sat by and allowed the forces inside the beltway to perpetuate these and other irresponsible laws passed on all of us. I blame the conservatives because we should be the moral compass of this country... for the most part. Our founding fathers warned against allowing non Christians into politics. Being the tolerant compasionate people we are we sat by and have allowed those who do not have Americas best interest at heart to gain control of this country. "We The People" have sat by and done nuthin!! nada! zilch! We have allowed a vocal minority to divide conservatives with all sorts of scams.
In my view welfare is the most devisive of all. The very entitlement that props up the liberal left is destroying the ones it perports to protect. Welfare was devised to assist Joe Citizen in times of need...TEMPORARLY, but the politicians have used it to create a nightmare web of never ending payments. It has become a dead end deal of money for people with no intent of ever getting free of it, nor do many want to free themselves of it. Now we have people who are having babies to increase their monthly check... MY money. They are allowed to buy all sorts of things... I do not pretend to know how they purchase them but I see them with expensive manicures... expensive hair extensions... new tattoos... none of which I object to other than not with my money. I cannot buy my wife or daughter any of these so why should I buy these for welfare recipients? Now in Florida we cannot even drug test them and must repay the months of those who failed the drug test...and allow them to keep recieving MY money. I guess now I will not have to take random test for my job... hope everybody will feel safe on the roads with drugged up truck drivers that will not have to take drug test... just one example...police? surgeons?
"We The People" have allowed it to become this quagmire. We did nothing as these temporary payments were extended and soon became permanate. "We The People" did nothing as the elected members figured out a way to get a never ending stream of money to their states for the maintenance of the people that recieve welfare on a ongoing basis. By our allowing this to happen "We The People" have made the bed we have to sleep in. I do not remember it personally... I do remember my father complaining about it all my life. "Put them to work!" he would say... "I dont care if it is picking up trash on the side of the road". I was 40 before I really understood what he meant.
Now we have people who have babies for a job. The more they have, the more of MY money they recieve. I see those spend it like it was theirs with no strings attached. They do not even have to train for a job anymore. MY money will be spent into perpetituity on things I cannot buy for my family. They get free housing (reduced rent), free money, free healthcare, free, (reduced utilities). And who knows what else they are getting. I do know "We The People" should have demanded accountability for these monies. If you get onto welfare you should be required to use birth baby and your out...period. One drug test failure your out...period. Get caught doing anything outside of what is necessary for surviving your out. extensions... anything not needed for survival...your out...period. I also believe you should work for it. I do not care if it is picking up trash or cutting grass on the side of roads or stacking books in a library or painting school buildings... anything to earn MY money. I had to work for it-you do not get it for free. Your "home" will be bare necessaties. No dishwashers, No A/C, No Cable TV, My Dad did not have Air Conditioning till I was 14 years old. That is a luxury. They are on MY dime. Handicap, infirm, aged and other ailments that cannot be "fixed" should be given whatever it takes to be comfortable. Life is tough. NOBODY should get a free ride that can work. No matter how menial the job. You will find a job, or you will work on/in a job program. You will keep the job. You lose it from being lazy... done...period.
I close with this... "We The People" not wanting to rock the boat, trying to help those who can't help themselves, no matter the reason have been duped into this by politicians. The money save by stopping this nightmare would pay for so much we could reduce taxes provide more services and enable millions to look at themselves in the mornings and like what they see!
I stand behind the Shield of truth and pray for a Hedge of protection around our once great nation and those who would destroy it... I fear for the day of reckoning they all must face.
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