Thursday, March 19, 2009

Can't See the Forest for the Trees

I heard a youtuber rant today against Rush Limbaugh. It was really sad that a person who looked and sounded intelligent could be so poorly informed and have so much anger for really no reason other than he has been so brainwashed by the mainstream media. He ranted about how many hated Rush for attacking the president and wishing him to fail. He failed to clarify Rush wants the POLICIES of the president to fail because they are not what America was founded for. It is not the governments duty to see that everybody buys a house. Yet the president is bent on propping up Fredi and Fannie to continue loaning money in manners that will fail... You cannot buy a 500k home on a 75k income. No responsible bank would loan on that scenario. Thank Jimmy Carter for starting this nightmare. Thank the Bush's for failing to reel the madness in during his watch. The conservatives failed to stand up for their principals and allowed the liberals to bury the issue. While this youtuber railed about the conservative fox news he failed to mention the biased liberal opinioned mainstream media. THIS is where he gets all of his "accurate" information. As if it was Gospel. He mentioned the masses that "worship" Rush. I listen to Rush. I know of many others who also listen and they know many, many more. I know of no one who "worships" Rush. However, I have seen with my own eyes masses of people verbally scream for the president that "Oh Obama! we love you" This was played over and over on the liberal media outlets. THAT is worshiping a person. In closing young man get a grip on reality. The presidents policy of spend till the money presses force massive inflation and then turn whats left into a socialist country is wrong. You can rant and rail all you want on your video that the president is doing good. The country is starting to swirl around the crapper. His stimulus has no more stimulated this economy than I have stopped any liberals from making a jerk of themselves by showing them pictures of teddy bears. It makes no sense to me how intelligent people cannot see the destruction of our country and economy as well as our society for looking down the barrel of the gun that is doing the damage while it is firing shot after shot aimed for his very head.
May you live behind the Shield and be protected by an impenetrable Hedge

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