Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We Must Have Already Lost Our Grip On Reality!

Good day from under the Shield and ducked down behind the Hedge.

I see it but I cannot believe it as I see it with my own eyes. America, the most powerful nation on earth, America, the greatest economy ever, America, the kindest, most giving, compassionate nation to ever exist. America, being brought to her knees (and not in prayer) by our own leadership.

I see our leaders more concerned about how much money it can get for his/her state than weather we can pay for the money it will get...and the strings attached to receiving it.

I see us going down the path of socialism as fast as can be all the while Putin, (of all people)screaming at us not to try it...it does not work...look at us. (Russia)Chavez telling Castro not to worry about America...Obama is destroying Her for us. Chinese students laughing at us for our economic policy's.

I see hundreds of GM/Chrysler dealerships being destroyed because Obama said to. The well operated ones are being given to the poorly run ones. I believe I know the reasons but without better proof I will let you think about the why.

I see our health care going socialized. Even with every country that has it screaming at us it won't work!!! don't go there!!! look at us!!! (Canada, England and others)
I see many, many dying because of it. It WILL be about money not health care when it happens.

Hey Doc! I broke my arm I need it fixed...O.K. come back in 3 weeks and get an X-Ray..when you get approved for the X-Ray...Doc- Well buddy the X-Ray shows a broke bone...come back in a few months and we will operate and break it again and set it for you...IF you get approved for it...Doc I got to go to work!!! Sorry you lost your job because you could not work for so long while arm was broke...moral of this story? don't get a broken arm...Sound far fetched? ask any Canadian...

Alaska! hows your confidence today? worried about N. Korea shooting a nuclear missile at you? I know I am scared out of my head, I can't imagine how you all must feel. With our leader wanting to "keep an open dialog" the nutcase in charge of that fringe country is going to test our resolve. bet on it...

Our Allie Israel, feel confident in our support of your right to exist? I know that I am scared of seeing the leader of our country turning its back on you. I assure you it is not without my screaming at the top of my lungs that I will not turn on you.

I end this with this...We are entering a very difficult time in our history. People who would have America brought to her knees are in control of this country. They are bent on making us into a second rate third world country. Why? I can only hypothesise that it is Gods' way of readying America for the final days of Mans reign on Earth before God sends his son again to bring the final parts of the end times story to completion as it is written in the Bible.

I tell you this. be prepared to meet God and all that comes with meeting Him. For we are not promised tomorrow.

Keep safe under the Shield of His power and gain comfort safely behind His protective Hedge.

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